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Thursday, December 9, 2010

PhD Research Fellow in Physiology, Norway in the department of Molecular bio-Sciences

Description: The aim is to identify network responses and cell-specific contributions to experience-dependent plasticity and perceptual learning. The candidate will in particular be engaged in high-density extracellular recordings from populations of neurons in vivo.
Candidates should have experience in physiological experiments or theoretical neuroscience.. The research fellow should be able to work independently The position also includes teaching, and some teaching experience is an advantage.The candidate will take part in a research project on neural processing and plasticity of cortical circuits in vivo in the laboratory of Marianne Fyhn and Torkel Hafting.
Requirements: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent. The fellowship requires A or B at the Master exam. When evaluating the application, emphasis will be given to applicant’s academic and personal abilities to carry out the project. Applicants may be called in for an interview
Subject: Physiology
Employer: University of Oslo

 Visit: For more info click here
Deadline: 10.01.2011


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