Description: The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month, for a duration of stay of 6 to 12 months.
The selection is made in two steps : pre-selection and final selection. In order to participate in the programme, you must first apply on line.
Eligibility:Master’s degree candidates must justify of a 1st year of master’s degree or equivalent obtained outside of France
* PhD candidates must have a minimum qualification of master’s degree or equivalent obtained outside France or be following a PhD outside of France
Country:This Scholarship Programme is open to students of all nationalities.
Language skills:A good knowledge of the French language is required for students applying for a complete academic year in a Research Master level 2.Age:
For RM2 level admission, candidates must be less than 26 years old when starting their training at ENS Cachan.
Students who are not eligible:* Foreign candidates who are registered, in view of obtaining a diploma, in a French higher education institution.
* Candidates who have already been awarded another grant for the same period.
* Previous years’ grant holders*.
Deadline: 16 January 2011
Links: For more details click here
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