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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Postdoctoral Fellowship for project MANTLE RHEOLOGY@ PIMM (Process and Engineering in Mechanics and Materials),France- Subject: micro mechanical modeling

Description: The post-doc will be involved in the micromechanical modeling at the polycrystal scale. The aim is to integrate into the polycrystal model slip-system resistances inferred from experimental data, ab initio calculations, and Dislocation Dynamics (DDD). The used polycrystal model will be based on mean-field homogenization methods (self-consistent scheme associated with the “Second-Order” linearization procedure of Ponte Castañeda), although numerical computations from full-field methods could be also performed if necessary. Micromechanical modeling of such material is a challenging task since all mineral phases comprising the upper mantle exhibit an extreme viscoplastic anisotropy at the grain scale, with three or less known independent slip systems.
Deadline: January 2011
Link: For more details click here


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