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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (DNA from Ancient Soils), @ The University of Waikato, New Zealand at the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences - Subject: chemistry/mineralogy/microbiology

Description:. This project “DNA from ancient soils” has been funded by the NZ Marsden Fund for three years.Applications are sought from candidates experienced in molecular biology and aDNA analysis, with a strong background in computational and infomatics skills. Some experience in soil chemistry/mineralogy/microbiology would be an advantage. The work will be performed in both New Zealand (University of Waikato) and Australia (University of Adelaide).
The successful applicant will have been awarded their PhD at the time of taking up the appointment, and will have successfully published papers from their doctoral research.

Deadline: 15 January 2011
Links: For more details click here


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