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Thursday, January 13, 2011

PhD Scholarship @ Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden at Department of Signals and Systems in Robust Wireless Localization

Description: The research environment is international and candidates of any nationality are welcome to apply. This research is focused on methods and algorithms for digital communication systems. We study systems such as the next generation wireless cellular communication systems, vehicular communication to enable certain important vehicular traffic safety applications, fibre-optic communication systems, and hardware-constrained communications. Our research is diverse in nature and includes fundamental and application-driven as well as disciplinary and multidisciplinary projects. We are heavily involved in the master program Communication Engineering. The Division employs about 25 persons, a number that will increase in the near future, as we have been successful in attracting research grants. Chalmers University of Technology is located in Gothenburg on the scenic west coast of Sweden. It is among the top research schools in Europe..
Requirements: Candidates mush have *: 1). Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Applied Math, or similar, and high grades in the core courses. 2). you should have an interest in digital communications and wireless systems.
3). A strong background in mathematics is required; knowledge of positioning and tracking is an advantage. Furthermore, an interest in interdisciplinary work with researchers and engineers from other fields is essential, as are skills in simulation techniques.
4). You should be fluent in English, have good collaboration skills, and be able to communicate your results in writing and in presentations.
Deadline: 31 January, 2011 Link: For more details click here


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