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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PhD Scholarship@ The University of Sydney, Australia in Coral Reef Sedimentology and Stratigraphy- Subject: Sciences and Engineering

Description: This scholarship is funded by an ARC Discovery Project grant and will provide support for 3 years on a full-time basis for a research project leading to a PhD. The objective of the research project is to investigate the biologic and geologic response of the Great Barrier Reef to sea level and climate changes over the last 30 ka by generating and linking new observational data with numerical modelling. The project will investigate a unique suite of sediment cores and other data collected on the recent Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition (325) and the site survey cruise (
Requirements:Candidates should have : * an Honours 1 or 2A degree (or equivalent) in earth and/or environmental science. Experience/background in carbonate sedimentology, coral reef biology and geology and/or numerical modelling of earth systems would be an advantage.
Stipend:  $26,669 in 2010 (tax exempt).
Deadline: 15 January 2011
For more details click here


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