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Saturday, December 18, 2010

International PhD Scholarships in University Of warsaw in Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory, Poland-Physics Subject

Requirements: The candidates wishing to apply should select a research project and a supervisor from the list and obligatory provide the following documents:
1. Request for admission from Internet Candidate Registration System at the University of Warsaw. The registration will be opened in September 2011. The candidates have to register on-line via website In case of any difficulties contact the UW Admissions Office; e-mail:, telephone: +48225524043, +48225524048.
2. Personal data sheet
3. Photo
4. Opinion from the place of employment (in case of candidates who graduated in the past and started professional work).
5. CV
6. Candidates must be graduate of the post-graduate (2.-degree) studies in domains: physics, technical physics, mathematics. Copy of their graduation diploma must be submitted. His/her M.Sc. diploma must be with the grade: very good (or equivalent) and must be presented together with a detailed list of all courses taken and assessed (with grades obtained for each course) during the study period (the so-called diploma supplement in case of Polish students).
7. Letter-of-intent, i.e. a short (not more than two pages A4) description of his/her qualifications for particular research project the candidate would like to carry within MPD. He/she should point out how the former education (courses completed, skills acquired) make him/her most eligible for the given project. Letter-of-intent should be prepared in English.
8. Two evaluations of his/her diploma thesis, prepared by:
* the thesis tutor (it should include an estimate of candidate scientific activity performed so far)
* thesis referee
9. An address data (name, position, affiliation, office address, e-mail, telephone numbers) of at least one referee who might be contacted by the Admission Committee and asked to provide the recommendation letter for the applicant.
10. A certificate proving fluency in English as a working language.

Deadline: June 1st 2011
Links: For More details click here


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