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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Physics, Chemistry, and Materials Science

Applications: Applications are invited for postdoctoral and PhD positions link to a five year project on the topic of Dynamical processes in open quantum systems as part of an European Research Council Advanced grant (DYNamo project). The successful candidate will work on one (or more) of the following general topics linked to the ERC-DYNamo project:

Qualifications:We are looking for highly qualified candidates from Physics, Chemistry, and Materials Science both at student and postdoctoral level. Ph.D. students must hold a Masters Degree (diploma) requiring the completion of a master thesis or equivalent. Post-docs must hold a Ph.D. degree. A strong background in theoretical condensed matter physics, chemistry or biology is desirable. Previous experience using quantum mechanical methods and atomistic simulations and proficiency in scientific programming are essential.
Deadline: 31/12/2012
Links: For more info click here


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