Description: TWAS offer one fellowship per year to visiting scholars from developing countries (other than Kenya) who wish to pursue advanced research in natural sciences.TWAS-icipe Visiting Scholar Fellowships in natural sciences are tenable for a minimum period of one month to a maximum period of three months at the departments of the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Kenya.
Eligible: Fellowships are tenable at icipe in the Programmes of Animal Health, Human Health, Plant Health, Environmental Health, in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, in the Department of Behavioural and Chemical Ecology, in the Department of Entomology, and at the field station of Mbita, Lake Victoria, Kenya.icipe will provide a standard monthly allowance which should be used to cover living costs, such as accommodation, food and health insurance. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency.
Language: The language of instruction is English.
Eligibility: Applicants for these Fellowships must meet the following criteria:
* be a maximum of 55 years on 31 December of the application year;
* be nationals of a developing country (other than Kenya);
* hold a PhD degree and a regular research assignment with at least five years of postdoctoral research experience;
* be regularly employed in a developing country (other than the host country);
* provide evidence of proficiency in English.
Deadline: 15 September 2011
Link: For more details click here
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