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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Graduate Admissions( Phd, Mphil, Msc Course) @ University of Cambridge

Requirement Description: Candidates who wish to become research students in the Department should usually have a good degree in psychology, neuroscience or in another subject (for example, physiology, linguistics, computer science, or engineering) which may provide sufficient background for research in certain areas of experimental psychology, behavioral or cognitive behavioural neuroscience.  Experience and/or training in experimental psychology is not a requirement, but may be advantageous for some research projects.

Graduate work in Cambridge is intense and very intellectually demanding and so the University has high academic entry requirements. You are normally expected to hold or to be about to achieve:
  • at least a 2.I honours degree from a UK university 
  • an equivalent standard from an overseas university
(On a 4-point GPA, we require  a minimum of 3.5 out of 4)
  • a fluent command of the English Language
  • completion of any current training or education course


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